CSR Initiatives
Sai Wardha believes in sustainable value creation for society. Sai Wardha continuously since inception strives towards empowering rural communities to enrich their lives by addressing grass root social and development issues. The Company’s sustainability initiatives towards community are essentially focused on five thrust areas such as Education, Health and Family welfare, Sustainable development, Rural and Infrastructure development & Cultural and Community Support. Sai Wardha’s CSR activities touched around 10,000 plus lives in the nearby villages.
Sai Wardha intends to provide quality education to all to enable them to lead quality life. The activities in this segment include:
- Merit scholarships to students
- Fee Reimbursement to students to pursue higher education courses
- Equipment support such as school uniforms, schools bags, stationary & sports material
- Construction & renovation of school buildings
- Provision of sports kits and financial assistance for construction of School Building
- Construction of sanitation facilities at local schools
- Providing school bus services

Health and Family welfare
Sai Wardha is committed to promote health care and family welfare schemes for the locals. The activities in this segment include:
- Providing of clinic facility for the community including mobile clinic services
- Providing of medicines, medical or healthcare equipment /devises, kits, vehicles and other ancillary supplies to dispensary, hospital and other health care centers
- Conduct health related camps and awareness programs
- Operating nutrition center to provide nutritional supplement
Sustainable Development
The Company believes that socio-economic empowerment of our communities alone can help us ensure sustainability of the development that we undertake and in this respect, the Company is deeply committed to enhancing of individual assets & capabilities and strengthen community collectives, where it operates. The Company also contributes by its activities for the environmental sustainability, ecological balance, protection of flora and fauna, animal welfare, agroforestry, conservation of natural resources and maintaining quality of soil, air and water.

The activities in this segment include:
- Providing of safe drinking water and deepening of Ponds & digging of bore wells
- Distribution of Vegetable Seeds and other financial support to families of socially and economically backward groups under Income Generation Activities
- Promoting of renewable sources of energy
- Skill development, vocational training and livelihood enhancement projects
- Promoting Groups for women empowerment
- Providing relief, support, rehabilitation, reconstruction activities etc. for disaster management in case of natural calamities or emergencies etc.

Rural and Infrastructure Development
Sai Wardha is committed to developing/renewing Common Property Resources that are critical for the rural economy. The Company is also committed to developing infrastructural facilities that improve the community’s access to basic services and livelihood opportunities.
The following are the endeavors in this segment:
- Improved rural connectivity by laying Outer Peripheral approach roads.
- Stone Dust filling over damaged streets & Roads and drainage line for water recharging of local ponds
- Repairing of roads in rural areas
- Construction of multiple RCC over-head Tanks
- Installation of High mast Lights
- Improving Sanitation & hygiene
Cultural and Community Support
The company proactively seeks to deepen its relationship with local communities. Building relationships for the Company is sharing and being part of the joys and sorrows of the communities around which it operates.
Towards this end, the Company support village festivals, sports & games events, besides extending a helping hand in the hour of need.

Experience our more activities near by us
Sai Wardha leadership comprises a team of professionals with multiple years of experience in the field. They are actively overseen by their Board of Directors consisting of experts from Infrastructure, Power, Finance and Legal fields.